I’ve been slacking on updating the website recently. Between wedding planning and increased work on my side gigs (and the return of some great Fall TV) I just haven’t been posting as much as I’d like. I want to get back into the groove of things in November, but we’ll see. Financially, October was a great month. We made the full $5k contribution to my fiance’s Roth IRA so she’s now maxed out for the year. I’ll probably max mine out in November (I need to put in an additional $3k). During the month we also knocked out one of my original goals for the year, which was to save $10,000 for our wedding/honeymoon. I think that puts us in safe territory for now on the wedding, and we’ll make an assessment in January of whether we need to save additional funds. We still need to work our details with our caterer and need to get a DJ, so at this point these figures are a bit up in the air. Whatever they end up being, we’ll easily be able to save whatever additional funds we need between January and May, so we’re good with where we’re currently at.

Balance Sheet October 2012

So now that the wedding goal is concluded, this leaves me with two financial goals to close out the year. I need to contribute an additional $3k to my Roth IRA, and I’d really like to get our house savings fund going. I’m thinking if we could save $5k into it by the end of the year, I’d be ecstatic. We haven’t started our house fund and I really want the get the ball rolling because I think that once we do, we’ll get excited and it will balloon.