Category: Saving

Five Ways to Save Money on a Dog

When I first got my Boston Terrier puppy last year I wrote about the costs of raising a puppy. Trust me… if you’re living paycheck to paycheck, you shouldn’t buy a puppy. While the average puppy can be...

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Letting The Joneses Win

Now, I’m not going to lie: I HATE LOSING. Just ask my girlfriend. She let’s me win at least 90% of the time just because she knows how much I hate losing. The other 10% she stomps on me in a failed attempt to keep my...

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How to Save Money on Designer Glasses

Those of us who wear glasses know that they aren’t cheap. Heck, they can be downright expensive. $500 for a pair of eyeglasses isn’t unheard of once they’ve thrown on all the different costs. Now, most people...

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Saving Money While Traveling for Business

I’m currently on a business trip for work. Traveling and working in a different location is a great change from the day-to-day grind. I am also hoping it will be a great way to save money. My employer pays for nearly...

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Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps

Dave Ramsey’s most popular creation are his Baby Steps. These seven Baby Steps are feature in Financial Peace University and The Total Money Makeover. The premise is that, by breaking down a large goal (financial freedom),...

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Quicken 2011 for 50% off

Just a quick note to let those of you who use Quicken know that they’re having a sale right now when you buy direct. Go to and use the special coupon code: 7978562973. You can use this to purchase Quicken...

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Drive Debt-Free and Retire Rich

I recently stumbled upon a slideshow presentation on Dave Ramsey’s website title Drive Free, Retire Rich. I think the slideshow should be called Drive Debt-Free, Retire Rich, but that’s besides the point. If...

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Video Games: Keeping it Real (Cheap)

Okay, so I’ve played video games since I was young. I’ve never been a hardcore gamer (yes, we’re going to ignore those three years of my life wasted between the ages of 12 and 14), but I have always enjoyed...

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I’m Will, the creator of HackingTheBank. No, this site isn’t about actually hacking banks. This blog is all about maximizing personal finance decisions so that we win instead of the banks.

I started this blog in 2010 when I graduated college with $43k of student loans and a negative net worth. Since then I’ve achieved milestones like getting married, buying a house, and tripling my income. During this time my wife and I managed to earn over 12,000,000 miles and points and used those points to travel to over 50 countries. And all of these points came from banks; neither of us travel for work.