This is my first balance sheet of the new year. I have a lot of new goals and I’m making good progress toward them. I know that most people have already given up on their New Years Resolutions, but I’m still going strong. Even if you’ve fallen off the bandwagon, there’s no reason why you can’t pick yourself back up and start fresh for February. We all have goals we want and need to accomplish this year, so let’s do it.

During the month I saved 10% toward my primary goals, which are saving for a car, as well as saving for a wedding and honeymoon. I’m happy with this for the month. I also calculated out some of my tax return and determined that I have a tax liability. Right now I’ve listed it as $1,900, but it could end up being slightly higher. My net income from side businesses in January was approximately $700. I expect that to ramp up quite a bit by April, so I’m content with where it is. I’m reinvesting money in the business that should pay off in the long-run.

Personal Balance Sheet January 2012

I failed to post my five blog posts for the month. I was extremely busy at work. Now that my workload at my job is dying down, I think I’ll be able to meet this goal in February. I also did fairly well on my weight loss, losing a total of 10 pounds during the month. I was definitely good with that amount. That puts me ahead of schedule, and in the past January has definitely been a weight-gaining month with the busy workload at the job.

All-in-all, it was a good month. As a result of working toward my other goals, my net worth increased by about $3k (investments helped quite a bit with this). My total net worth is up more than $26k over the past year. 2012 is starting out strong and I can already tell that the year is going to bring great things. Looking forward to continuing to make progress each and every month.