August has come and gone in a hurry. As you might have noticed, I didn’t make a single blog post in August! This really isn’t acceptable, and I promise I’ll make a couple in September! A lot has been going on. Firstly, I’m switching jobs! I am leaving my first job after just over a year, and move to another company. I’ll be doing something similar, but gaining other experience. It should also decrease the hours I’m working so that I can focus on my online business some more. Now, money wise, I stayed flat for August. This is due to my investments falling $1.5k, and my purchase of a new TV. That’s right, I said it…I purchased a new TV! I’d resisted making any big purchases since starting my job last August and I finally broke down. I’ve worked my butt off for the past year, increasing my net worth by over $34k in a year! I decided to celebrate my purchasing a new TV, which I’ve been wanting for a while. The TV cost me $1.2k and I won’t be buying a new one for at least three years. Now, about that flat-lining net worth…I’m not too worried. Between April and June of this year my net worth had not changed. Then, the next month, it increased by almost $7k! While this month was flat, I expect my net worth to make another jump this next month when I receive a signing bonus at my new job and receive my accrued vacation paid in cash. Check out the numbers below for yourself.

Personal Balance Sheet August 2011